My Absurd View - JuNko's Site


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Here We Stand
Friss bejegyzések
2013.12.22. 23:45
2013.08.14. 00:33
2013.07.14. 22:46
2013.07.03. 21:10
2013.06.29. 01:27
Friss hozzászólások

All the funny moments.
serena holloway
"Ser quickly got used to the cool water, then joined a group of Ravenclaws playing with a beach ball. Not being a really talented swimmer (she was not talented at any sports), she didn't dare to go to the deep parts of the lake, though she didn't need that adventure to have a really good time. After they finished playing and the group dissolved, the girl lay on the water surface and stared up at the sky, watching the clouds. She couldn't feel how cold the water was anymore, nor could she hear the others as only her face was above the water. It was very calm, she could have fallen asleep if a huge wave hadn't buried her.
What was this? Choking, she brushed out her hair from her eyes as she got on her feet. Serena saw a few kids jumping and throwing each other into the water, they probably hadn't noticed her hovering there... What if they jumped on her? Goodness, this was dangerous... And she couldn't stop choking, it was like she swallowed half of the amount of the lake's water. It tasted like fish and sludge and weed. Of course, something like this could happen only to her. She had to get out.
Still coughing, the blonde made her way out of the lake, to the place where she left her stuff. With her wet hair clinging to her face, she rather looked like a soaked and frightened cat..."
roxy ortez

Roxy is the laziest.
"The young woman let her guest look around and observe the house. After the short trip, they returned to the living room. Roxy was just about to ask some questions that seemed to be important and useful, when the girl inquired about the kitchen. Of course. It was missed out of the trip. And not by chance, of course. Roxy held there the dead bodies. It had been always the most messy room, just as that day. Pretending surprise that she 'forgot' about the kitchen, Roxy made her way to the door and opened it. "Of course, the kitchen," she said. "Don't look at the mess," she commented, letting Mylee in.

Unwashed plates were waiting in the wash basin, all kinds of spices were sitting in vials (she had loads of vials, why would shy buy proper glasses to keep the spices in there?). A really shabby vintage cupboard was in one of the corners, disorderly stuffed with plates, glasses and pots. The only muggle things were the old fridge and stove - where a cauldron of some healing concoction was still waiting for the girl to be portioned. She also had a small-sized table (with a potions book and several notes laying there) and three chairs."
alaska gwyyns
Her tutor didn't only teach her how to read and write. Alaska had had lessons of etiquette, where she learned what was good manner and bad manner, she learned what was rude to say or do and what compliments people liked to hear. She learned how to behave by the table and all the things that she needed for being a polite and fine young lady. Staring right at people's faces was definitely not considered 'good manner' and it was terrible that she let her mind wonder off so easily. Now that girl, who otherwise was familiar to Alaska, looked back at her with piercing eyes and she could totally understand, because...
Al frowned at the brunette outside as she theatrically responded with a question, doing silly gestures with her face, flailing. The young Slytherin who was a rather shy person around unknown people looked away, softly blushing. She tried to find out why the girl acted like that, she saw no logic in her behaviour at all, unless... Well, maybe she was ill, like, mentally. The blonde turned around to see a queue of girls by the counter, and the queue ended outside the building. So the girl outside would sooner or later get inside the shop. Alaska wasn't pleased."

"A kritika olyan, mint az eső; elég finomnak kell lennie, hogy táplálja az ember növekedését anélkül, hogy megsemmisítené a gyökereit." - Frank A. Clark

Kedves olvasó! Az oldalon található történetek szerzői mind komoly munkát fektettek abba, hogy megírják műveiket. Kérlek szánj rá pár percet, hogy kritikát írj neki, ha elolvastad egyik művét, hiszen így javíthatják ki hibáikat, valamint önbizalmat meríthetnek a bíztató szavakból. Előre is köszönöm minden kedves írótársam nevében! :) JuNko


Senkihez írt levél (Novella)-

Lily vagyok. Tizennégy éves, átlagos lány. Fiatal, igaz? Most biztos azt gondolod, hogy mosolyogva írom ezt a levelet, mert egy tizennégy évesnek nem lehetnek gondjai. Tévedsz, nem mosolygok. Egy hete kőből van az arcom, sőt, azt hiszem, én magam is kővé változtam. Mert megtanítottak gyűlölni. Eddig azt hittem, hogy tudom mit jelent ez a szó, de csak most sikerült megértenem. Bár ne kéne tudnom.

In a coat of gold or a coat of red, a lion still has claws.

Only a cat of a different coat, that's all the truth I know.

Brace yourselves! ... eww, no, just kidding! Have fun!

A modul csak bejelentkezett felhasználók részére látható!

Ha még nem regisztráltál, kattints ide: Regisztráció


Alaska Gwyyns
FRPG karakter. Alice egy meglehetősen bonyolult kislány. Életét megnehezíti a még nem diagnosztizált Tourette Szindróma, mely tünetei gyakran kellemetlen helyzetbe hozzák a kis oroszlánt. Ezen felül a betegség még a dühkontrollját is rettentően megnehezíti – az amúgy is forrófejű leányka így gyakran elveszti az önuralmát. Egy igazi időzített bombához hasonlít....

Youtuber.Jack híres sorozata a Your Grammar Sucks. Ez a fiatalember elhatározta, hogy „megtisztítja” az internetet a fertelmes angol nyelvtanból, és kifigurázza a helytelen kommenteket. Nagyon vicces és ötletes, valamint figyelemfelhívásnak sem utolsó... Ha hozzászólsz valahol, bizonyosodj meg róla, hogy helyesen írsz!!

Egy érdekes és kissé hátborzongató videó, mely egy teljesen más szemszögből boncolgatja a kreativitást. A legtöbb ember csak úgy gondol a kreativitásra, mint egy egészséges, pozitív folyamatra, melyből csak jó születhet. A videó készítője ezt megcáfolta. (+12!)
ginger and rosa

A minyonok a legédesebbek! POTATO!


Yume no KaiStyle Gp.
Layofel szobájaRadcliffe Galaxy
Paradise City
Senussya Paradise
A cseresznyevirág lelke
Game Girls
Kit Harington Online
Night Star 


http://reisu to.blogspot

thanks for the css
Linda Design


Akadálymentes Gportal Mozgalom

My Absurd View ~ Anchime Gp. ~ Liliana ~ My Happy World Gp. ~ Kritika Lap ~ Novus ~ Shadow World Gp. ~ Rajz- & Fotóblog ~ PiciPaw ~ Nox rajongói oldal ~ Diametrically Blog ~ Creative Critique ~ Legends of Stories ~ Cumbernation Gp ~ Szisz-miss Gp. ~

You need the music in your life:
Asiking Alexandria
Black Sabbath
Patent Pending
Sleeping With Sirens
Escape the Fate
Falling in Reverse
The Runaways
Joan Jett
Black Veil Brides
The Grenma
The GazettE
Anna Tsuchiya
30 Seconds to Mars
Marilyn Manson
Matenrou Opera
Maximum the Hormone
Olivia Lufkin
Sex Pistols
Papa Roach

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